Published: Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Gaspereau Vineyards wines have been selected to receive top awards from two prestigious industry competitions.
Through a blind tasting by an independent panel of experts at the All Canadian Wine Championships, Gaspereau Vineyards Tidal Bay 2016 was awarded Double Gold and Gaspereau Vineyards Riesling 2016 was awarded Silver.
Canada's oldest wine competition, the All Canadian Wine Championships has followed the progress of Canada’s wine industry from its infancy.
Also through a blind tasting by a panel of experts at the Atlantic Canadian Wine Awards, Gaspereau Vineyards Tidal Bay 2016 was awarded Best in Class in the Tidal Bays category and Gaspereau Vineyards Muscat 2016 was selected as Best in Class in the Single Varietal White Wine Hybrid category.
The Atlantic Canadian Wine Awards recognizes the exceptional quality of Atlantic Canadian wines and celebrates the dedication and craft of our skilled winemakers.